Will I Find Love? How to Find Love?

Where is Love?

Love is not available in any market to purchase…

Dates are not hanging on trees…

Beloved is not available in any shop…

To be true the real love is inside you. It’s locked somewhere. Unlock it and you’d have found love…

What Money can Buy?

Money can buy us flowers but not the scent…

Money can buy our bodies but not souls…

Money can buy us mascara but not dreams…

Money can buy us a spring mattress but not peaceful sleep…

Always remember this:

Money comes with love but love does not come with money.

Can You Use Some Shortcuts?

Spraying pheromones, wearing expensive clothes, shiny shoes, gold watches… won’t get you your beloved…

Yes someone will fall for your sports car or the new beach-side villa or your bank balance, but will leave when these things leave.

Just telling jokes, appearing cocky or funny, pickup lines, being a pickup artist… won’t get your beloved…

When you come down to earth leaving all that behind someone’s gonna fall for the real you…

It’s not about lust…

It’s about True Love…

Will You Find Love?

Frankly I don’t know, but I can tell you ways to find love with mathematical accuracy…

How can You Find Love?

You don’t need to find it, it’s always inside you. You just need to give it before getting it…

We often mistake love for a feeling. The feeling is an illusion, infatuation or a fantasy. Love is a verb, it’s about taking action. You will get what you give in a relationship. If you want to be understood, be empathetic, if you want praise, give praise, if you want forgiveness, forgive. Learn to give what you want to receive.

(Tess Marshall – The Bold Life Blog)

How can You Give Love?

It’s easy yet so few people follow it…

Give love to anyone – just anyone…

Give love to the cat that’s in your home… feed her… at least look at her with a smile…

Give love to the dog that may be near you…

Give love to ants that may be in the cup of tea you left open…

Give love to trees that may be in your backyard…

Give love to your computer through which you’re able to look at these words…

Give love to your neighbors…

Give love to every Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Buddhist…

Give love to your servant or maid…

Give love to your co-workers, colleagues, boss…

Give love to your wife, husbands and kids…

Give love to your ex, ex husband, ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend…

Give love to your work…

Give love to you – your being…

Give love to God…

You’ll find love… You’ll find a date – A truly compatible date… but remember your heart must be clean… clean from all hatred and envy…

If you’re really serious then I suggest reading The Sacred Book of Love…

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First Date Etiquette – Fight Club Rules

Time and again I’ve seen this happening: I’ve had a crush on a work colleague, classmate etc. We used to talk for hours on phone. I either messaged him or he messaged me every other hour.  But last night or last week… he said he needs to move on… I asked him what do you mean? And he said you know what I mean… I cried so much I went to sleep with major pain in my throat and head ….. Did you hear such stories before? I hear such stories every other week… both from girls and guys… Why it happens? They don’t know the rules of the Fight Club – Dating Fight Club.

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Extreme Productivity – Alexander the Great – About Time 9

I’ve been following Swatch time as it’s the only alternative time I’ve found yet. I’ve replaced my main computer clock by Swatch time. How? I now use a trial version of 1st Clock. Swatch time can be set through Customize Clock>Appearance>Format>Advanced>Time. (You can also get yahoo widgets to use swatch time but these widgets won’t replace your main computer clock.)

Life in Time Prison – Eternal Now

Let me quote something that someone wrote some years back:

I have been thinking lately about “Internet time”, after being surprised to notice myself being struck by how material I added to this website several years ago, seemed like I had added it only yesterday. I asked myself how so much time could have passed so quickly.

Of course persons’ having a sense of things past having happened “only yesterday” antedates the Internet. But I think the Internet may exacerabate it, ever further “shortening” the span of time in which we live, so that a person may reach old age (60? 80? 90?…) but still not yet have — metaphorically, i.e., in terms of cultural self-development — gotten out of diapers, and without being able to feel they have “lived” (i.e., had a full and fulfilled life). [Is this the meaning of Nietzsche’s “eternal recurrence of the same”? Is this our version of mysticism’s “eternal now“?]

This — to me, at least — troubling thought found an echo today [16 Safar 1432 Hijri] (06Apr04), when I read an email in which someone wrote [not in a context of thinking about implications of the Internet for our temporeity!]: “Alexander the Great was only 30 when he over-ran the Persians and founded one of the largest territorial empires in history. Unlike Bush, he invaded foreign lands constructively — literally! — building beautiful Greek cities wherever he went. He built two in Afghanistan and there are still blue-eyed children there.” Perhaps this is not an altogether fair representation of Alexander then at 30 or George W Bush now at 58, but I find it “evocative”, and helpful as a measure for assessing the time (as well as “the times”…) in which we (or at least, I…) live.

Would that the Internet would foster persons maturing even younger than 30, and “invading” the world even more constructively! Would that “Internet time”, instead of shrinking everything into indistinguishable simultaneity, would nurture deepening and enrichment of time, so that, at 30, with perhaps far more than half of his or her life still ahead, each person would be able to look ahead to something probably few have known in the past: a mature and fulfilled spirit in a still youthful body. That would be progress, in my opinion.

Brad McCormick

Do you really get the essence of what Brad wrote? In the context of what we’ve been doing since past weeks perhaps even Brad didn’t have any idea of the far reaching implications of what he wrote.

Let me ask you a very simple question. Please don’t take it too personally;

Have you gotten out of your diapers?

Me? Nope. Perhaps I was born the day I got out of the time prison – just a few days ago.

Tell me can you think of someone having productivity comparable to Alexander the Great?

Alexander the Great Workweek

Tell me how many productivity books Alexander read? 4-Hour Workweek? 20-Hour Workweek? 200-Hour Workweek? 2000-Hour Workweek… or Alexander the Great workweek? (It can be the title of a bestseller that may even surpass Timothy Ferriss’s original book.;-))

What Alexander did in say 5 years, can anybody living now do in say 500 or even 5000 years?

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Time Prison – About Time – 8

The New Millennium

Around 10 years ago on the eve of the start of so called new millennium I was watching BBC:

On the small Pacific islands that will be first to greet the new millennium, at 1000 GMT, preparations are complete.

A BBC correspondent on Millennium Island, an atoll in the Kiribati chain, said the scene is set for the sun’s first rays.

The latest technology will relay the new dawn to the rest of the world but the celebrations will be simple and traditional – with the millennium being greeted by a sea shell horn.

(BBC – Dawn of the Millennium)

And indeed the so called new millennium started with the worship of the new sun that was televised all over the world by major TV channels. It was also the power of the latest technology that televised the super-imposed vibrations of the so called 911 event to the brains of millions of people all across the world.

911 Resonance

Those twin towers acted as a sort of tuning fork that was hit at precise angles to produce some precise vibrations. These vibrations still persist in the atmosphere. Do you know why breast cancer is so much prevalent these days? Vibrations…

God in Time Prison

Sorry this debate was about time:

An ancient proverb claimed: “He who controls the calendar, controls the world.”  Who controls you?  The day on which you worship, calculated by which calendar you use, reveals which God/god you are worshipping.

(worldslastchance – Papal Sign of Authority)

Let me complete the above quote:

The day and time on which you worship, calculated by which calendar you use, reveal which God/god you are worshipping.

Even if you correct your calendar, but you don’t correct your time, your God may not be the real God you worship. Well, God reminds me of Muslim God – Allah – who is my God as well. Sadly now even Muslim God is in the grips of time after the construction of so called Makkah Clock Tower. Muslims won’t be too happy to hear that. But I only say what I believe is true.

It’s not just this clock tower, it’s a whole Makkah time… so whenever they pray facing Makkah they revert back in time even if they follow their hijri calendar…

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The Day of the Unconquered Sun – About Time – 7

Well, I took a break from this blog. During this time I got several new insights into the topic I have been working upon i.e. time. Around a week ago I was watching this movie on Star Movies; “Angels and Demons” a sentence from Tom Hanks caught my attention, it was as far as I remember related to “Unconquered Sun.” (by the way the movie is excellent and at par with the earlier movie in this series – The Da Vinci Code.)

Let me quote something from Dan Brown’s book Angels and Demons on which this movie is based:

A young man dozing in back sat up with a start. “What! Me?”
Langdon pointed to a Renaissance art poster on the wall. “Who is that man kneeling before God?”
“Um… some saint?”
“Brilliant. And how do you know he’s a saint?”
“He’s got a halo?”
“Excellent, and does that golden halo remind you of anything?”
Hitzrot broke into a smile. “Yeah! Those Egyptian things we studied last term. Those… um… sun disks!
“Thank you, Hitzrot. Go back to sleep.” Langdon turned back to the class. “Halos, like much of Christian symbology, were borrowed from the ancient Egyptian religion of sun worship. Christianity is filled with examples of sun worship.”
“Excuse me?” the girl in the front said. “I go to Church all the time, and I don’t see much sun worshipping going on!”
“Really? What do you celebrate on December twenty-fifth?”
“Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ.”
“And yet according to the Bible, Christ was born in March, so what are we doing celebrating in late December?”
Langdon smiles. “December twenty-fifth, my friends, is the ancient pagan holiday of sol invictusUnconquered Sun – coinciding with the winter solstice. Its that wonderful time of year when the sun returns, and the days start getting longer.”
Langdon took another bite of apple.
“Conquering religions,” he continued, “often adopt existing holidays to make conversion less shocking. It’s called transmutation. It helpes people acclimatize to the new faith. Worshipers keep the same holy dates, pray in the same sacred locations, use a similar symbology… and they simply substitute a different god.

The Reality of Christmas

I then searched internet what is December 25th? It can be anything BUT the birthday of Christ. It seems to be more concerned with Sun worship. I request you; don’t take my words for granted. Do some research and come up with your own conclusion…
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A Particle in Woods Makes No Sound – About Time – 6

Mind Cannot be Separated from Matter

In my last post I mentioned about Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment. Back in 1350’s (1930’s Gregorian) when this experiment was proposed scientific facilities were not advance enough to check its validity. It was not until 1402 Hijri (1982 Gregorian) that Alain Aspect in Paris conducted experiments that proved beyond doubt that Einstein was wrong. Here’s more about his experiments in plain English: Science Blog – Alain Aspect.

What it all concludes to? Mind cannot be separated from matter.

To paraphrase, a particle falling in the woods does NOT make a sound if there is no one to hear it. Strange – but true!

David R. Schneider

Why do people cling with such ferocity to belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925 [1344 Hijri]), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism.

Professor Richard Conn Henry – John Hopkins University

So what are the real life benefits that we can immediately get out of this research?

My Time is what “I” perceive it to be. My time can radically be different from your time. Who is “I”? That’s the million dollar question that I have tried to answer in my previous posts. Tell me what is real?

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